Some of my work

Logo Karaton

For Happs Development I created and maintained the Angular website for Karaton where speech therapists and parents of dyslexic could follow up on the progress their children/patients are making in the Karaton game.

There were a lot of graphs to be shown with Highcharts, a payment integration through Mollie, different roles for admins/therapists/parents.

In this team I worked as a Full Stack Developer, giving me a lot of insight in how the backend of a web application works.

  • mongodb
  • expressjs
  • angular
  • nodejs
Logo Rialto

At my internship for Rialto I created an iOS app from scratch in Swift where real estate companies could easily manage their listings.

I created the screens in storyboards based on the designs provided by our designer.

When the screens were finished I used Swift code to implement functionality such as logins through an API, fetching the listings through an API, saving the listings in the SQLite database..

  • swift
  • ios
Logo Carlier Rekenen

While working at Happs Development I also created a mobile application for a speech therapist to help children with discalculia to learn how to count and do simple math exercises in a fun game form.

The app was created from scratch using React Native for fast development, and Expo to get fast previews of the app on real devices.

This project taught me a lot about animations, how to handle dynamically generated sound output for the spoken numbers, learn which platform specific APIs to use..

  • react-native
  • react
Logo Carglass

At my current job at The Reference I help maintain the website for Carglass, we keep adding new features and maintain the older code in sprints.

We have a separate Backend Development team, so my focus is purely on the Frontend Development in React.

In the booking flows we make heavy use of MobX for state management, Local- and Sessionstorage to save intermediary input by the users and integrate with APIs from different parties.

  • sitecore
  • react
  • less
Logo Nationale Loterij

One of the other clients I work for at The Reference is Nationale Loterij, for this client we constantly create new features with a modern look on a monthly basis.

In this project I get to test out even more new technologies, and new features in the existing technologies (think React Hooks, CSS3 animations..).

The feature I'm most proud of is the interactive Sponsoring Map of Belgium we created with some nice animations and beautiful design.

  • sitecore
  • react
  • sass
Logo Achter De Regenboog

In my free time I like to experiment with other frameworks and technologies too, this is why I made a website using Wordpress for a friend of mine who started a psychologists practice.

My friend gave me some high level designs, and I got to work! I selected a fitting theme.

I built on the theme with a lot of plugins to optimize the speed of the website (Autoptimize), the SEO (Yoast) and anti-spam by Akismet.

  • wordpress
  • html
  • css
Logo DeckDeckGo

In 2020 I participated in Hacktoberfest for the first time ever. I did some research on which open source project I would like to contribute to, and landed on DeckDeckGo.

It was a lot of fun to coloborate with other open source contributors, and to work in a new technological stack. I'm definitely going to continue contributing to open source in the future!

  • open source
  • hacktoberfest
  • stencil
  • typescript
Logo Accent Jobs

At the end of 2020, I got the opportunity to work on a project within The Reference using our new MACH stack.

This was the first time I was using Gatsby for a production website, and I must say it makes developing a breeze. Connecting everything through API's, no hard dependecies on a CMS.. I love it.

  • gatsby
  • drupal
  • typescript
  • emotion
Logo Port Of Antwerp

Starting february 2021, we started working on a new website for the Port of Antwerp. This website uses the MACH stack as mentioned above, but with Next.js instead of Gatsby, and Tailwind for styling!

I really like this combo (this website is made with these technologies), so I couldn't be happier to be the lead frontend developer on this project. So far I've learned a lot about the many features and possibilities of Next.js, and I'm hoping to create the most performant website for this high profile client.

  • nextjs
  • drupal
  • typescript
  • tailwind
  • algolia
Logo SD Worx

For SD Worx we went with almost the same stack as the project for Port of Antwerp, only this time we were forced to use Bootstrap instead of Tailwind. On this project I'm also lead frontend developer, and I do some devops work here too.

The devops work is mostly setting up the Azure build pipelines, managing the Kubernetes cluster...

  • nextjs
  • drupal
  • typescript
  • bootstrap
  • algolia
  • kubernetes
Logo Sibelco

Sibelco was the first client for who we worked with, which was a really great experience to work with. We also started using Storybook for the first time at The Reference in this project, which helped us a lot to prototype fast, and create consistency.

In this project I coached 4 people, while also actively developing new features. The greatest part was setting up the Algolia integrations to index the materials and products, which was a breeze with Algolia.

  • nextjs
  • typescript
  • tailwind
  • algolia
thomas ledoux

I like to use my personal website as a playground for new ideas and new technologies. The site used to be built in Next.js, but since I've been using Next.js frequently at work, I wanted to try something new: Remix.

The conversion of the project wasn't very hard, and I ended up learning a lot about the web fundamentals, since that's the base Remix is built on. I noticed the TTI being a lot lower too, because of the smarter way of doing network requests in Remix. So far, I'm sold!

  • remix
  • typescript
  • tailwind